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Work-Life Balanced?

The most celebrated silver lining of COVID-19 lockdown is work from home. The luxury once limited to the very few & selected sectors became obligatory across industries in lockdown. The most increasingly sought opportunity of striking work-life balance came as a blessing in disguise.

Many seemingly impossible ideas will become “New Normal” & work from home is definitely one of them. Work from home once seen as an obligatory & temporary thing can be a permanent possibility in the near future.

“Workspace”, one of the most expensive commodities in the business parks will be managed through work from home scheme. Pointless commuting hours, over-burdened public transport, flying fuel expenses & late toiling hours at work can be all sorted through the work from home scheme. The scheme doesn’t seem to have a flip side at all.

But the story is different for those who have spent most of their careers in cubicles & cabins. I strongly believe, brainstorming meetings have more productive outcomes when conducted in actual meeting halls. Ideas grow brighter when discussed with our work buddies in person. Offices are just everything you need to get in “work-on mode”.

Human beings are social animals & they enjoy social presence around them. We spend a significant time of our lives in office & knowingly or unknowingly they become a part of our circle. We feel motivated when that circle appreciates your efforts. Sometimes even a small compliment makes your day. A single pat of appreciation on your back boosts your confidence. Offices are the centers of feelings & emotions. The total absence of it can have psychological implications. Many cases of depression & anxiety are already cropping-up in lockdown.

Many organizations are testing this time to implement remote working as a regular thing in near-future. Will this new normal strike the much needed work-life balance?

Let me know your views in the comments box below.


  1. Well written and thoughts put across. I believe it should be mix of both.. Work from home to save time & energy which goes in travelling. And weekly some days in office which gives u professional envoirment and team to collaborate and discuss.. Offcourse boss to report and get feedback and guidance.. Not whole but some part of work from home is good to have..


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